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Pieces of Me

Motherhood swallowed me whole for a while and then spit me out – a more motivated, less anxious, more badass version of myself. I haven’t disappeared. Oh no. Quite to the contrary. I’ve been very much alive! I’ve been sharing my daily life on Instagram with the best (and the worst) of them. Want to see…

Wiggle Worm

*Pregnancy related post I’ll start with the most important news. Today’s 9 week ultrasound showed a heart beat of 180 bpm! It also showed something that is looking more and more human! So far, he or she is an active little baby because there was some serious wiggling going on. There are few things as…

Diploma Diaries: It’s official! I’m a published author!

When I’m not obsessing about baby making, I’m writing prose. Finally, some of my hard work has paid off in the form of a PUBLISHED NON-FICTION BOOK! Several months ago, I answered an ad calling for submissions to a book called Diploma Diaries. This anthology of advice-driven essays covers post-college topics from negotiating a salary…