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Pieces of Me

Motherhood swallowed me whole for a while and then spit me out – a more motivated, less anxious, more badass version of myself. I haven’t disappeared. Oh no. Quite to the contrary. I’ve been very much alive! I’ve been sharing my daily life on Instagram with the best (and the worst) of them. Want to see…

What happens when dreams don’t come true?

When I was pregnant with my first child something hit me and it wasn’t just that I’d probably never fit in a size 4 again or that I was about to create human food with my boobs (which still amazes me, by the way). It hit me that as soon as the baby was born…

Mom Hair

The other day I posted a picture of my feet strapped into a pair of new Target sandals. These cute little gladiator spin-offs with a wraparound ankle strap were the first non-athletic shoe purchase I’ve made post-partum. And by post-partum I mean I’m already one whole year into motherhood the second time around (is that…

A Thank You to My Second Born

Something special happened for me when you were born dear second child. When you were freshly plucked from my insides like a juicy little strawberry and held into the air for me to see, I exhaled all the worry I’d carried with me before that moment. And from then on being a mom has been…

It’s Okay Mama

It’s okay mama. It’s okay that you bought the original goldfish crackers because your toddler wanted them instead of the organic bunny knock off ones that don’t taste as good. Yes there may be some moms out there who will judge you, but it’s okay. And that’s just silly anyway. Processed food is processed food…

The Hardest Part

It was a typical end of the week afternoon in my backyard when I realized what I dislike most about being a mom. My single best friend had stopped by for a visit. She was attempting to entertain my kids while I grilled dinner, me cursing myself for not bringing home a Costco rotisserie chicken…

3 Months of Leif Love

Whether a combination of the Whole30 diet I started when Leif was 2 months old, or digestive and brain maturity (his not mine haha), being mama to my baby boy is blissful. He’s no longer colicky. He spits up only sometimes. He’s sweet and smiley. He sleeps for wonderful, long 6 hour stretches. I absolutely,…

Two for the Show

Last week, the light of my life turned two years old. Two! If I wasn’t well acquainted with the tremendous mental, physical, and emotional growth of the last two years for her AND me, I am now. Cradling her baby brother in my arms, while I watch her jump, twirl, attempt ballet poses, sing, and…